The Battlepass Teasers for the Next Agent.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 9:24 AM

I know the act just started, but with the knowledge of previous teasers, we can observe and assume based off of a pattern. We know that every battlepass has a card that is related to the next agent in some way. Episode 1 :Tier 48 (KJ), 48 (Skye), 38 (Yoru).Episode 2: 38 (Astra), unknown, unkown. Judging from this pattern, we can assume that this battlepass' 48th tier is the teaser. And the following act will be tier 48 as well. We have no clue why these numbers are at all important, maybe it's just a significant riot employee's favorite numbers.Now we can get into the details.Tier 48 of this battlepass is the "Lost at Sea?" Card.

The \"Lost At Sea?\" Card.

Now, the first thing that comes to mind when I read this card out, is wondering why the card is labeled as a question. I believe that this is because the agent is not the one that's "Lost at Sea." But perhaps, the one proposing this question. Like they go to abandoned boats and look for survivors, and ask the question "Lost at Sea?"

Next, is about the giant moon in the background. We know that Valorant takes place in Future Earth, so there's always the chance that the size of the moon is just for aesthetic. However, there is no doubt in my mind that the moon is out of proportion. However, something I would like to point out, is that there are no visible craters. Perhaps, that is instead a frozen planet? Or the craters are just those dark spots. However, I can easily see the white dark spots being frozen land, and the white is frozen water. Maybe we're getting someone related to Sage? I don't know.

Next, I want to point out is the 4 small boats. They seem to be tailing the larger ship, and I can easily envision them being a rescue team, as much as I can envision them being attackers. Like what if we also get a map where we fight on a cargo ship or something? Anyway, maybe the number of ships are significant? No clue.

Next, I want to highlight the giant ship in the foreground. This is not the same ship of Attacker Spawn in Icebox, although they're close, and I would not be surprised if they were meant to be the same, just drawn differently. This is because the rear of the card's ship has this marking

Whilst the icebox ship has this marking.

We can assume that the card's ship is also Kingdom-related, due to the similar crates that we know and that they belong to Kingdom. We can also assume it's Kingdom-related from a little secret monitor that I can't find anywhere else in the game.

In this building:

Behind this wall:

Behind the fake 2d background:

Theres this monitor.

It has a sweeping line of darkness that goes over the monitors, so its hard to get a full reading, but theres something important about this."Kingdom Refinery."

I don't recognize this font from anywhere else in the game, and I have no clue what they would be refining. We don't know if Radianite needs to be refined, but I assume that's what this is for. Whatever is in those crates, Kingdom Refinery probably has to do with it.

Next, is something a bit more important.

The bottom of this image depicts a folder with a big "A." On it. There is nothing in this game that I can think of that starts with an A that's significant at all. Maybe it's A for All? A for Agent? I don't know.But more importantly, at the top, it appears to depict several different kinds of marine vessels. I can imagine some of them fit with the Attacker's Spawn in Icebox, and some could match with the ship depicted in Tier 48. However, I wonder why this "A Folder" and all these depictions of ships are tucked behind a fake 2d background behind a glass wall in an otherwise inaccessible location?

Anyway, here is a comparison of these depictions to Icebox's T Spawn.

Not perfect, but I could imagine it if the depiction had more pixels.

Anyway, closing thoughts.The full "moon" in the background is clearly being emphasized, so its importance may be for this new agent, or for future lore. The 4 ships might be a reasoning onto why the Attackers in Icebox start on a Kingdom Ship instead of anything else. The importance of marine vessels might show up later, and the next agent is related to saving/interacting with people that are journeying the ocean.

EDIT:Also regarding the joke names in the files for these cards.Episode 1:KJ : "KJTease"Skye : "Birb"Yoru : "Woah"

Astra : "R4kiya" which we found out to be a Riot employee, in charge of weapon effects.Assuming I'm right, and that they don't throw us a curveball and "Lost at Sea?" is really the teaser, then the name of this card is "Boat"Boring, I know.Hell if we go off of the funny card names, Paul, the employee of the month, could be our next agent. I would not be opposed.

EDIT 2: You can find the Kingdom Refinery Monitor at Bind's B site Elbow. That means the "A" doesn't mean A site? Unless? idk. Credit to Shiick.



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