The "Bridge Between Worlds" Card has a couple secrets.

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 5, 2021 8:12 PM

First off, this is what the full image looks like without the UI and stuff.

I'm not sure what you can make of this, but I perceive it as some flat savannah due to the trees in the background and the flooring being sand-like.

In the game files, apparently, this card is called "R4kiya." I don't really know what that means, but I do know that "R4kiya" is a Riot employee from Serbia, or "Stefan "Riot R4kiya" Jevremovic." In the interview I found his name in, it was all in Serbian, and when I translated it, it said that he worked as a lead "Weapon VFX." Now why would a Weapon VFX guy get a player card named after him? Honestly no clue. Furthermore, in his interview, he claimed he was working close with a game designer, and that there was a possibility that Sova was going to be Serb, but it was scrapped.

Now, why do I even bother looking into this "R4kiya" guy? Well, that's because theres been a recent trend in the Battlepasses for Valorant. As you know, there's always an item in the battlepass that hints at a new agent. For episode 1:

Act 1 Tier 48 was the "Vertraulich Card" which showed Killjoy's turret.
Act 2 Tier 48 was "The Way Forward Card" which showed Skye's hawk
Act 3 Tier 38 was a card showing Yoru's mask

Now, if we follow the pattern, it should either be Tier 48 (which shows Kingdom) or tier 38 (which is this R4kiya card).
So the sequence can either be
48 48, 38 RESET 48 48, 38 etc.etc.
48, 48, 38, RESET 38, 48, 48, RESET 38 38 48, RESET 48, 38, 38 etc. etc.

"Riot R4kiya" if you're out there, is this just an easter egg or are you becoming a Valorant Agent?



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