The last 15 seconds of the timer are hard to see.

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 14, 2022 7:43 PM

I've been playing VALORANT for over a year now and I think they've done a great job with the colorblind options that they offer, there is one thing that I think they could change.

As someone with protanomaly (red-green colorblindness) the timer gets very hard to see during the last 15 seconds and it becomes from a white text and clear background to this darker red text and a slightly less red background. I've also heard people who use a high digital vibrance also have this problem where it's hard to see the timer.

One solution to this would be to add another option under the pre-existing color blind options in general settings to change either the text color or background color to make it easier to see for everyone.

An option under \"Enemy Highlight Color\" for \"Timer Color\" for example with maybe 4 different colors to make it easier for everyone.



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