Posted by Steve
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 4:21 PM
Remember the beta, when Riot told us they try to mitigate peeker's advantage down to a minimum?
Well, I can only say that this is actually the worst form of peeker's advantage I've ever seen. I get like 16ms to Frankfurt servers and whenever there is an enemy team with a few players from cis/turkey, you have literally zero time to react. You have this in CS too, but not that heavy like. Good example here is Xantares, who couldn't adapt his playstyle on his first lans cause he was used to that advantage and playstyle and you can't blame him for that.
Half of EU including most of turkeys (dia+ atleast) player base (almost 2000km distance..) is queeing on Frankfurt servers to abuse it and I can't really find a reason why this isn't more public.
That's one of the biggest reasons why this game feels inconsistent on a game to game basis and since I really like playing the game, I'd like to see Riot acknowledging it and atleast give us a rough estimate, at which time we can expect improvements.
A short time solution could be, that if you have servers in your list with sub 40 ms, you can't choose any with more latency. This game can feel so fluid with an awesome hitreg.. but as soon those 70ms players show up, it just feels crappy. Of course you can adapt your playstyle to it, but it's not like I always check the pings of everyone on the server first.
I also heard streamers talk about this and I think this needs to be more public and heavily addressed. It can't be, that you are in disadvantage for having a good connection.
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