The problem with low elo

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 20, 2020 10:50 AM

I have two different accounts I play mainly and that’s an iron one to play with my girlfriend and my main one, which I’m Gold. Its not a huge disparity, but the difference in gameplay is crisp and clear.

Making intelligent shot calls in bronze and iron, just to have them fall on deaf ears and stubborn people.

It’s okay to be prideful, it’s okay to be confident in your abilities, but it is not okay to blatantly ignore useful information just because you thought you could win the trade and be the hero against an OP mid.

Improving your experience can be as simple as playing the smarter game and coming out on top through good team play and smart holds of your own.

The discipline to learn when to hold an angle and when to drop off and take a new position, the knowledge of where people play most rounds or how they like to hold them are things that can be worked on to improve your experience

My father always told me that there is instant gratification in Victory, you just have to want it more.



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