The rate at which people AFK/Surrender/Give-up in non-ranked is the worst I've seen in any online game.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 8:26 AM

I don't know why or where this trend started. I've played counter-strike from before 1.6 when the best way to access the beta was on a demo disk provided by a gaming magazine. I have thousands of hours on Dota 2 also.

I've never seen anything like the amount of cry babies that Valorant produces. Before I could play ranked and when learning a new hero, I will play some unranked. Lucky if I can finish 1 out of 5 games without someone leaving on either side. Calls to surrender after 4 rounds of "UNRANKED"

Players queuing for a game and somehow forgetting that they have something else to do by round 2. When the hell did everyone get so fragile? lol! You won't get any better if you cannot even finish an unranked game ffs.



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