The Spectre is now in the same situation as the Guardian

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:14 AM

Hear me out.

You know how noone really buys the Guardian because the Bulldog is a much cheaper alternative and for a few more creds, you can buy a Phantom or Vandal?

Yeah the Spectre is now in the same spot. The Stinger is better in a lot of in-game situations and is 600 creds cheaper. If you have a bit more creds to spend on a force buy, you can up to a Bulldog instead. We’re seeing less Spectres now both in pro play and in ranked.

Any ideas on how to counter-act this shift? I mean I don’t really like the Spectre that much but it would be better for the game if it doesn’t have any guns that are unuseable.



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