Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 25, 2021 4:21 PM
I was brought up to be respectful of other people, not because it will have consequences if I don't, but because it is the right thing to do. I have always held morales against unrighteous things such as cheating, insulting, scamming and so on. It is a shock to me how most people, at least in Valorant, does not seem to understand these quite essential and basic principles.
It makes me really sad that such a huge portion of the player base are toxic through and through. That about 50% of people are either insulting for no reason or trolls that like being rude and disrespectful and sometimes even throw. It makes me want to quit the game. I try my best to mute them and report them if someone is toxic, but once I have heard that someone is toxic, it is difficult for me to forget it.
The rest of the game I will just feel sad about how humanity is so shit that the moment they get anonymity so many people become animals. I am also faced with an impossible choice where both options are negative. Either we loose the game and I loose ranked points or we win and the rude person on my team gets points. Both of these are undesireable results. I don't want the toxic person to gain points and harrass people in higher elo. Sometimes I have gone AFK if a majority of my team are very toxic, which just hurt my elo.
Not to mention that there are a ton of people that smurf. They ruin competitive integrity and let's face it, smurfing is cheating. You are giving yourself an unfair advantage by intentionally playing with people outside your rank. Then we also have the actual cheaters. Although Valorant has few obvious aimbotters, there are a ton of wallhackers, more than you'd think. There is almost not a single game where there are either toxic people, smurfs or cheaters. I get so sad playing this game.
I am 20 years old, so I am older and more mature than a lot of the player base. However, I was never this rude when I was younger. I never cheated and until lately I never smurfed either. I only made a smurf account to play with my lower elo friend, and when I play on my smurf I make sure to not get more kills than my teammates, and I mostly just try to knife the enemy or watch my teammates play while helping them with utility, without shooting myself.
I think Valorants community is one of the worst I have ever experienced. It is worse than CS:GO, worse than Rainbow Six Siege, and a plethora of other competitive shooters. Riot needs to do something about this. When it is so bad that it genuinely can make me feel depressed, something is severely wrong. If it isn't improved, I am not sure how long I can keep playing this game.
I think the toxicity is far worse than the cheaters and smurfs tbh. They ruin morale. Make teammates mad. And there are much more of them than cheaters and smurfs. Please Riot. I love your game, but this community needs to be kept in check.
As for solutions, I am suggesting a much harder handed punishment for toxicity. I think being toxic should get you chat banned more than just temporarily. I suggest that repeat offenders be much quicker perma muted or muted over much longer periods. Perhaps stopped from playing ranked in this period too. I also think that the most toxic people (such as people that make death threats), should just have their account perma banned.
You have recently made a stride against smurfers, but it is still a huge problem. I would like to see a report for smurfing button, and for the team to actually evaluate if someone is smurfing.
In a game that is free, it is far too easy to circumvent bans. I recommend that the game adds some sort of trust factor system. Where toxicity, time played, etc are taken into account. So that high trust factor accounts queue with other trust factor accounts. Or have people tie their phone numbers to their account to become trusted and have only trusted play with trusted. This will not only help against both cheaters and smurfers, but ensures that people behave well on their main accounts, and that legit players meet legit players.
You can also ban people by both IP and BIOS number, which makes it more of a hastle to circumvent the ban. They would need a spoofer and a VPN, which is much more work than just one of them. Either they get a spoofer or need to buy a new pc when they want to circumvent the ban, which noone will do.
Thank you for reading my post. I hope you understand that my goal isn't to just complain or bring negativity but to show my concern.
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