The Valorant Penalty system is a JOKE - received AFK penalty that was meant for my teammate and support 'auto-solved' my ticket by ignoring it

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 12, 2021 12:16 AM

The Valorant Penalty system is a JOKE - received AFK penalty that was meant for my teammate and support 'auto-solved' my ticket by ignoring it

Basically see the screenshots. I had a great game of escalation in which my team won a 3v5 match when two team members AFK'd. I was top frag and was feeling good at the end of the game, when I was shocked to be informed at the end that I received an AFK penalty. I can only assume that was supposed to go to my team member(s) as I was active the entire match.

I tried to submit a support ticket and my ticket was instantly set to 'solved' with an automatic response of 'TLDR: too bad, so sad'.



support ticket



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