The Valorant Store needs a rework or something

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:33 AM

The valorant store suffers from the same issue as the fortnite store in which you have to wait for a skin to show up, and i despise this system, and i know others have complained about it but i have a couple of alternatives to fix this system

  1. Add a higher selection of skin slots to the rotation. Maybe they could add 8 skins to the rotation or something so that you are most likely to get the skin you want, because of how rng it is and how likely you are to get the same skin in the shop twice (i got the sovereign stinger yesterday and today) and have it affect the amount of skins you get. So rather than getting a dupe skin you dont want that takes up 25 percent of the skins, maybe the dupe skin will take up 12.5 percent now.
  2. Allow people to choose the skin they want like in many other games. Maybe make a list that you can choose from that is sorted by collection or something to make it easier to buy the skin you want, because regardless, people might still buy the new collection if they want to no matter if they buy the skins they want up front.

Now i want riot to mainly go for the second one but i know damn well they wont since they have already made this store system so they wont wanna change it, but heres hoping they change it



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