The whole "My aim is gone" thing

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 6:45 AM

"My aim is MIA""My aim disappeared, if you see it tell it i said hi""RIP aim"

Yo, do I have to make a sacrifice to the God of Aim before every match ? Now I just laugh and cope with it but still, if my aim was a dude, I would sacrifice him to the Daedras like Lydia in Skyrim.

Sometimes I win or make second in a Deathmatch, sometimes I'm match MVP with 30+ kills and a victory, and sometimes, well, I have to ask, what the *u** ?

Yesterday in unrated aim was completely gone for 8 matches in a row with every bad decision I could make and every stupid mistake I could commit (never had 8 defeats in a row, that's so rude). I wasn't tilted, I just... Well. I just don't know.

And then suddenly I had a match where I carried my whole team, headshot'd my way to bomb sites and we won 13-5.

I'm not complaining, I would like to understand better what is at stake, and how to become more consistent !

Also looking for 25+ pals to play with ! EU/Iron2



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