They should update the remake feature.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 12:02 PM

I started the game with an omen who was lagging hard. He wasn't able to control his movement, he lag walked to one side constantly. We said he should leave so we can remake in round 2. Because of his lag he couldn't hear us / leave the game. Round 2 has passed and we are forced to surrender in round 5. It is what it is, we weren't toxic to anyone, even the enemy team had compassion with us. But it still feels harsh to see you lose 21RR. I feel like these things should be avoidable. This is the first time this has happened to me, but there must be other people who have experienced this more often.

I'll go and grind my way back up again. I hope this post gets some appreciation and hopefully they will update the remake in the near future.



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