Posted by Steve
Monday, January 4, 2021 4:21 PM
So Valorant is my Main Game, no doubt but I want it to stay like that so here is what I would love to see in the Future :
Replay System!!! (highlights csgo) spectating friends while waiting and just learning from mistakes. Must have!!
skins in this Game make no sense for Agents IMO but similiar what they did with gloves in csgo, we could have smth like this in Valorant! Rings, watches, gloves, think outside of the Box!! Imagine a legendary watch for 20 Bucks in the Store ... idk id buy this over a cartoony Phantom... how bout you?
Clash!!!! I know this is coming but it cant come soon enough! For those unaware, its a 5v5 Tournament Mode which rewards you with Special Stuff and skins in league of Legends!
Maps, Maps, Maps, Maps and Map queue! There are maps That are just bad... Developed badly and the Community has Spoken... give us the option to deselect the ones we do Not wish to Q for!
Game Modes!!!! Search and destroy is Fine but Imagine what new Modes Could be Invented!! The possibilities ... even smth similar to Overwatch‘s payload Maps would be sick!
Pick and Ban for ranked! If we have a large champion pool!! (+30 champs) Let’s face it, agents will come every year, every season and more frequent than maps! Obviously they will not be balanced at the start so give us the option to ban 1,2 agents at the start of a ranked game! Especially with new agents being picked in ranked! This is a huge league of legends problem!
In game Store! Why the fk has noone done this yet? I want to see a Store in Game, where I can see the skins, try the skins on and shoot some bots before I purchase them for 100 bucks! All virtual! I want an ingame store section I can walk in and hang out!!!
Make this an experience and you will make more money than you can Imagine!
have a wonderful 2021 and let’s not be toxic to another!
A lot of you are confused to the agent ban thing! In its current state pick and ban would be useless but imagine something like 5 breaches (obv similar abilities and not 5 breaches literally) ulting on ascend B site! .... at some point, it just gets mandatory to balance the game! Look at rb6, which in many ways is very similar to valorant!
- long term motivation! Skins for 10k kills (example) stuff to grind for when BP is maxed and all agent contracts are maxed
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