Posted by Steve
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 3:38 PM
There is no such thing as a healer in this game. (way too often in agent selects I hear people say stuff like "we need a healer" etc. even in low/mid immortal lobbies I've heard this.)
Crosshair placement. As important as it is to learn where to place / keep your crosshair when running around or clearing angles. It's even more important to adjust your aim. Way too often do I read posts from low rank players like "what do I do, everyone in my games are just crouch spraying, and I have been practicing crosshair placement to aim for the head??" bro, bro bro bro. Just readjust your crosshair to the crouched players head, it's literally the easiest kills in the game.
Movement. Bhopping does not increase your speed. Crouching is BAD, especially when combined with spraying. JUST STOP DOING IT, you will immediately become a better player if you just stop. Stand up, tap or burst and keep strafing/counter strafing in prolonged fights, don't just stand still. ALWAYS aim for the head.
Positioning. You need to understand when, why, where and what good positions are, the closer you are to the wall the more the enemy can see you before you see him/her. So abuse this when peeking, if you are stuck in a cubby for example, you HAVE to wide swing, you CANNOT jiggle peek, you WILL lose the fight. You need to understand when to use off angles, when you should just go for 1 kill and back off, wait for your team, instead of trying to be the hero. (All this should be rather self explanatory, you just need to think about it, it's something that will help you improve SO much as a player if you keep these thing in mind while you're playing, until it just becomes apart of your gamesense.)
Maining / Onetricking an agent. I see reddit posts waaay too often with low ranked players onetricking agents. As this might help you get better with a certain agent, this is just not the way to improve overall, the only agent viable on all maps (not the best pick, but viable) is Chamber, but you can't be onetricking Cypher, Omen, KJ etc as I see so much. If anything you should onetrick a role, then you will always have the best controller, initiator, sentinel or duelist for every map in the game.
Run N' Gun. It's a broken mechanic in the game, so abuse it. If you have a stinger, spectre, phantom especially you should always run n gun in CQB, no reason not to, even with a Vandal you can, but not as efficient/more rng.
Pistols. Take your time, stop body shot spamming, doesn't matter if you have a sheriff, ghost, classic, take your time, and, aim for the head. Trust me, you will succeed when you master this, and enjoy your consistent 3k and 4ks in your future pistol rounds.
I had so much more I wanted to list, but for now this will do. Depending on how this post does I can do another.
If you wanna know, this is coming from someone that has played nothing but FPS games his entire life, been Radiant every act since Beta and peaked at #13 in the hardest Region in the game.
I do not care enough about grammatical errors to read all this through before posting, so I hope it wasn't too bad.
TLDR; If you wanna learn and improve, read the fkn post you lazy.
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