this has been asked so many times but: ion or oni?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 29, 2021 1:00 AM

i personally prefer the oni phantom over the ion phantom. i like the finisher, kill banner, and sound when you get a kill. i also like the fact that it has 4 variants whereas the ion only has 1.

i know it all comes to personal preference but i just don’t want to regret my choice in the future.

i’ve asked many people about it and a lot of them prefer the ion. i like the ion too, i like the sound effects and reload animation.

i own the reaver vandal and some battle pass skins (basically; skins that have variants such as the infinity) and i see myself switching from variant to variant very frequently.

problem/s with oni: minimal to no reload sounds. it has the same sound as a standard phantom.

problem/s with ion: no variants. i’m not a fan of the finisher.

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