Posted by Steve
Monday, May 15, 2023 1:57 AM
But for this to work we would need the replays first.
CSGO have this practice with bots where you can play games with bots but its trash, the bots are dumb and pretty useless and you don't learn much if anything at all. But why that has to be true for Valorant?
After replay system is established, within a month Riot will have hundreds of millions of games that they can use Machine Learning to Model AI bots, These bots act, 'think', and play like real players from different ranks, there is no hard code for them, they are dynamic. they react to utility, map control like a real player would in game. we can even customize their play style like choosing specific KJ setup on a specific site. Latter we can improve it will super specific setups that pro teams can use to practice against. meaning it will help Tier2, Tier3 teams or just Premier teams who don't get much scrims.
How realistic is it? Surprisingly very!! The main problem or hurdle with ML is that you need a lot of computing and a lot of data set which riot have( computing) and will have(replay data). Now now it won't be super easy considering that replay system has been in development for like 6 months now. so yeah might not see this feature( if they want to make it) for like 5 years. but whenever it comes, It may be a game changer. Imagine causal players practicing different agents against a common comp in this mode. Players who wanna improve will have it so good with this mode.
I hope if any Riot Dev who sees it might give me some insight about the feasibility of this mode, but me personally think it can be done( considering how good AI has gotten). but definitely will require a lot of work, but will be worth it for the competitive scene and will improve quality of players overall.
Thanks for reading, if you guys have any thing to add, tell me about it!!
EDIT: people malding because I said Replay is coming( confirmed by riot btw), I don't work for riot, just stating what they said. If you don't want to believe them then don't but don't take your anger on me, on the other hand its reddit so what did i expect?
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