Tips for reaching diamond

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 11:05 AM

I hit Diamond last week for the first time. I am by no means a great valorant player but I know that hitting diamond is a goal for many players including me for this season. I figured I would help a few out by giving some tips. These tips are probably not new to many players but here goes anyway:

*Walk on eggshelves with random teammates in voice chat: Having teammates tilt is a sure way to lose a game, so dont attempt any dumb shit or start an argument with teammates because many have a really bad mentality going into a game and honestly your job as a teammate is sometime to help them avoid tilting. Remember typing nt if the teammate tried to clutch and always keep the team morale up.

*If you have lost two games in a row just end the session: Dont play if you are tilted, i understand the need to want to play more games but only do this if you have a few friends to play with. Else play unrated my friends its very nice.

*Dont tell people how to play a clutch: Only give information about location of the enemies and their HP. Dont say stuff like: 'sova dart him now come on wtf" or "rush him rush him' you are blocking the sounds of the game with your voice and you might just end up getting muted. If it is your premade clutching tell him what you thought he could have done better after the round.

*Dont blame your teammates too much: especially dont blame them in voice chat, this does not help anyone honestly. You can silently judge them for bad decisions but try to focus on yourself, if you lost the round you probably had something you could have done better.

*Mute toxicity: If someone is toxic, dont argue just mute but keep giving them information.

*Give short and precise information: Stuff like 'Steps outside B' and 'Jett low, on back side of B'

*Dont talk in your native language in voice chat (unless its english): I am not a native english speaker so I understand the struggle at times, but dont start speaking your native language just because you find out a teammate is also from your country. You are excluding other teammates and they will just mute you if you keep talking in your own language which will give you a disadvantage.

*Dont solo queue: I try to avoid solo queueing and i find that duoing is great, if i dont have a mate online i usually play unrated, aim labs or dm. It is preferable if your mate is 1-2 ranks over you so they can learn you a thing or two and pinpoint your mistakes. Its not a must I play with friends that are low plat and high diamond, just help eachother out.

*Have one main agent and two secondary agents to play (atleast one of these being a smoke): Dont play too many different agents, know one agent really well and two others that you can flex to if need be one of these should be a controller smoke. Dont just only know how to play dualists. I personally dont instalock much but I have seen some players do that with decent results. 

*Train your aim, but also learn how to utilize your abillities the best way on different maps: Deathmatch & aimlab is great but also know that aim is not everything is this game.

Thats it! nothing new to many but tips that need to be reiterated. I feel like a positive attitude in voice chat is actually the most important tip out of these.



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