Posted by Steve
Monday, March 1, 2021 12:02 PM
Dear riot people, Today I am writing as to why I, glitchy13 deserve the valorant fist buump buddy.
- I am a very good player and radient and top 1 player Below you will see two screenshots that have not been altered in any wayt o prove this.
- I get cool gamer clips. I am a pro omen main that also gets very pog clips on jett and feenix so here is just one of my many amazing clips to prove this.
I deserve it to make up for hte amount of times Riot has unfairly chat banned me or stopped me from queieng? They apparently don't like it when I scream at my teammates for being stupid and afking when they don't say yes to surrender? like just why? It's bullying me and I feel like riot ceo and riot employs have something against me personall, maybe it's just that I am so much better than them and they're jealous but they really need to make up for punishing me as being toxic is improtnat to gaming communitites.
I got like a 2k once
I, glibby, am addicted to bying skins and seeing this one buddyt unpurchasable makes me cry to myself to sleep at night. Ps please for the love of god stop making more skins glitchpop knife made me steal my mother's credity card and she got mad at me. If you keep doing this i am going to lose my sanity
6/. t
I'll give you a hjug if you do so that's like a super duper good reason because im pretty good at giving hugs, I don't have any references because everyone runs away when I say hi to them b but you jsut gotta trust me here.
I have like a really cool gamer tag it's like a pro player gamer tag wouldn't you say? I just have to add random capitalization around and it would work, like here's an example "GlITchY"
If I get this buddies people willw anna be friends with I, glurby, and I will become a popular kool kid and maybe hopefully not bullied constantly
and finally and most improtnatly:
- if you do not I will instalock jett every game and make sure not to rebibe you. Consider this a serious threat of what will happen if you do not give my buddy to me
So yes this is my list of many rteasons as to why I, glumby, deserve the VALORANT FIST BUMP BUDDI from A riot emplyer. THank you for reading and have a very super goiod day (unless you do n't give me the buddy hten have a terrible bad no good very bad day >:( )
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