Trying to Get Back into Game with Friends, All Unranked Still Have too Large of a Skill Disparity?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:09 PM

I used to play in Beta and the first season and took a 3-4 month break from the game. I am not significantly better than any of my friends but it will not let us play competitively.

I was gold 3 when I stopped playing and most of my friend group are all unranked along with me (guessing high silvers). Why can't we do placements and play together - I have no intention of playing ranked with anyone but them at this point but we legitimately can't play.

I am incentivized to feed if I ever want to play competitively with them... this seems ridiculous. Anyone else think this rank disparity gap is far too tight at these lower levels of play??



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