Turn the Bronze logo upside down!

Posted by Steve

Sunday, March 21, 2021 1:43 AM

As an experinced valrant player who played for many years , I remember the good old days when Bronse rank used to be upside down. One of the most reqested fetures that the comminty wants aded back to valrant is upside down BRONSE rank agian. Even thogh Im am basicaly rank: Iran 2(to much Rana hacker and I still dont got the prime odan yet ) , I feel oblagiated to speak for my bronse friends who have been ROBED of one of the most important aspects of the valrant expernce: Bronse triangle that looks like a sewer missle!

Here is what bronse triangle looks like now:

As you can see, prety boreing.. I can see why bronse people wana QUIT valrant.

Here is what bronse tringle looked like in thE golden days of valrant:

This looks way awsomer and more realistic compared to when you punishthe Porcelain.

I ask the valrant comunity: please spread awarness of the bronse logo. Riot changed somthing that used to make the game so much better!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m98nz4/turn_the_bronze_logo_upside_down/
  • https://reddit.com/m98nz4

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