Unintentionally getting carried to a rank I really don't belong in

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 8:26 PM

So I started playing Valorant about a month ago, it's my first keyboard and mouse shooter, so understandably I'm pretty bad. I'm quite content being Iron 1/Iron 2, as I believe that's where my current skill level is really at. Problem is, in nearly every lobby, there's always someone on my team who's clearly better than everyone else, and I get carried to wins.

I'm now Bronze 2, and am constantly getting shit on over comms by my team for bottom fragging. I can't even refute what they're saying about me, I don't belong in Bronze. Its just more often than not, there's someone on my team who's hard carrying, and we end up winning. Any advice? Should I just stick to playing unranked till I'm better?

EDIT: I appreciate all of the replies and advice. I def need to block out the toxicity, and just try to learn from the players around me. Also did not know about aim trainers, so gonna look into that asap


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x0nbz5/unintentionally_getting_carried_to_a_rank_i/
  • https://reddit.com/x0nbz5

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