Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 20, 2021 1:28 AM
Here are my reasons why.
You never buy more then 3 souls at one time, so realistically you lose one soul.
You now get an orb to drop on assists (which is a buff no matter how you look at it).
Her ultimate works exactly the same.
Just because an orb drops doesn't mean you have to use it.
Further proving my point a Diamond Reyna would go into ranked and just kill everyone in iron and always have 150 HP which is extremely unfun for people stuck in low elo.
When you are in your correct rank it is a lot less common to use 4 orbs lets be honest you only ever have 3 at one time anyways and when I watch scream I rarely see him use all 3 orbs.
It forces you to be smarter about when using an ability instead of taking back to back aim duels and just going to full, which is healthier for the game.
I think it will make her a lot more viable in competitive time will tell, which she already has a place but in many situations she seemed lack luster in fact unless you're Scream or Tenz the pick just looked bad.
No other character can take 500 damage and still have HP left.
I think reason 9 is enough of a reason to make this change.
I have been still able to top frag and carry games and I haven't had a situation that one less orb is why I won or lost the game.
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