Posted by Steve
Friday, April 23, 2021 7:29 PM
As many of you know , valrant got to be one of the most unrealstic games in valrant and honestly thats probly why its not as poplar as games such as minecarft, clash cllans, and spike rush. In this post I will take you thrugh the most unreslistic elements of the game and show you how it need to be changed.
Number 1- Cifer: this guy got to be one of the coolest charcters in the game, But he is also very unrealstic. The most unrelstic thing about him is that his CAMRA dont even take picture or even VIDEO. Let me ask you this: when is the last time you see a camra in real life that dont take picture or video? Yep thats right never. Also , we all know he like to wear the sombero hat EXCEPT it dont even look that much like a sombero in real life mexico? Riot gota change cifer to make him more relstic.
Number 2 Oman: This charcter is actualy prety realstic , EXCEPT he got way too much bandage on his elbow. This is not like real life becuse whenever you put bandaid on your elbow it comes off becuse your moveing it to much. Riot gota ether change this or else Im not playeing oman again. Here is proof that he got to much bandage:
Number 3 Rana: You probly know that this charcter got hacks on almost all the time HOWVER: her cloths are GLOWEING. In my opinon, you can have gloweing cloths, BUT there needs to be baterys so it lights up. No afense Im prety smart so this violate the law of PHYSICS that you cant get energy without batterys.
Number4: Sage- In my opinon, the MOST unrelstic part about sage is that she CARRY ICE except she dont get COLD or frost bited. Tell me this: i Bet nobody in all of valrant can hold icicle for more then 27 seconds without geting COLD hand. However sage can hold ice ball for the whole ROUND? This is realy anoyeing and why this is probly the least use charcter in all of valrant.
Overall, riot did a very bad job of makeing this game relstic. We got camras that dont take picture, bandaid thatt never fall off, gloweing without batery, and cant get frost bite with no gloves. Most of the other abilitys in valrant is prety much like real life like how theres a couple games on brimestone ipad. Howver, if riot wants to make valrant a game that appeals to more people, they beter do it quick becuse alot of people are quiteing becuse this is to unrealisitic.
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