Posted by Steve
Friday, September 2, 2022 5:33 PM
I've seen a lot of outrage on all platforms about the rr system being unfair and also this promoting players to be selfish. Duelists get a lot of kills, but do they singlehandedly win matches. What would they be without the initiators finding the players, sentinels setting them up and controllers saving their butts. All these go unnoticed by the system and in the end, duelists get all the glory with more rr and kills. A nice way to help other roles climb faster is to give them 50 points per util assist as the use of util; blinding, flashing, detaining, sucking, revealing; all help set up the kill.
Edit: After reading the comments, I realised my take is not that good and the system should stay the same or only boosted to plus 30-35ish.
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