Posted by Steve
Friday, September 9, 2022 2:55 PM
I am in bronze 3 and have tried my best to rank up for months now. I keep wanting to give up but its my favorite game to play. I love the gameplay and its a lot more interesting to me than story-based games. The only problem is it affects my mental way too much. I just lost a game where my whole team was arguing with me about how ass I am because I had a low amount of kills and a lot of deaths. I wanted to mute comms so bad but deep down I know they were right because I really felt hopeless being in bronze for months. I try to tell them I’m trying my best but they always ridicule me further even though they are in the same rank. It’s not every game, like some games I’ll match MVP even when its the same rank or higher. It’s just the constant bullying that makes it not that fun and makes my performance worse. I don’t understand why everyone can’t be more accepting toward beginner players. I’ve reported accounts to riot who call me slurs and other hurtful things but they never do anything about it. At least, I never get a notification they did, so it’s really hard to see them let these kind of things slide. I don’t know if this is a big issue for anyone else but I’m very sensitive so them saying that I should just give up on the game over and over makes me self-deprecate. Does anyone else wish Valorant was a bit less toxic or struggles with this?
Edit: I never got an award before, thank you!
Edit 2: I will work on crosshair placements and watch tips online. I have Blitz and my HS rating is pretty high (for bronze at least) at like 15%-20%. I also play with my bf who is Imm2 and he’s a good teacher lol. Thanks to everyone for the support, glad to know most people have been in my shoes before.
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