Posted by Steve
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 1:00 PM
I've been playing valorant for around 9 months (This past month I have only play 3 games a week, at max. I'll talk on this later) and I've realised that I was at my worst a few months ago. Before (and during my 1st 2 months of playing, I was at my best. I fell in love with the game as soon as I came in contact with the game. I started to miss my workouts just so I can play the game, started getting fast food instead of cooking my own healthier food, because of convenience so that I can play the game. As I got better at the game, I started to get more and more toxic teammates. A few months ago I've started to feel really anxious. I've left all of my hobbies that made me feel confident. I've left everything that made me... well... me. I'm not blaming Riot for "ruining my life" (I was able to pick up most of my hobbies back, and I do feel better) since I was the person that controlled all of my actions, but I do think more people need to talk about videogame addiction, (and addictions in general) especially to teenagers. ***THIS POSTHAS BEEN POSTED TO RAISE AWARNES ABOUT ADDICTIONS***
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