Posted by Steve
Sunday, April 16, 2023 11:19 PM

My S/O and I have met over Valorant on the map Fracture one night. Since the game carries a big meaning for both of us and we enjoy to play it a lot, we decided to get the coordinates tattooed. The ultimate edaters.
Of course people can call us stupid and disagree on this tattoo, yet we haven’t been happier. ♡
Edit: We are absolutely grateful for the positive feedback to our tattoos! We totally respect everyone's opinion whether they like it or not. At the end of the day it has a big meaning to us and stands for our commitment to each other. We just want to thank everyone and we wish you all an amazing day/week/everything! <3
Edit2: It seemed that it might have offended a lot of people that I referred my S/O as my ‚hubby‘ while not being engaged yet. I’m sorry if that came across as rude. We‘re calling each other those names in private and do plan on marriage, so I didn’t think further into it. Also I do respect everyone’s opinions as well as people maybe not being so positive about our desicion making. Please just keep in mind that we thought this thing entirely through and we were 100% sure on that. I don’t want to explain our entire mindset and why we decided to do this, but please just keep in mind we had our reasons. ♡
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