Viper stuff is really hard to see for colorblind people even with colorblind mode on

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 8, 2021 5:19 AM

I am not sure if anyone else has posted this yet. I am red green colorblind and I can barely distinguish between ally and enemy Viper abilities. Often times I'm too scared to run through my teammate's smoke screen and check the minimap to avoid the decay. :/

I didn't check all the other smokes in the game but I know that Omen smokes are fine to see. I guess it's different for every colorblind person. It would be nice if the colors of abilities could be changed based on the selected colorblind mode too. Right now it's only the opponents that get highlighted in the color choice (red, purple, 2x yellow (pro/deuternanopia)) but abilities seem to stay the same.

Viper meta. Help :(

If I focus I can see a difference in the smokes and molis but the smoke screens are very similar. Brimstone smokes however are absolutely identical to me, although way less scary to go into.



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