Posted by Steve
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 11:33 AM
Is it just me or there has been more cheaters lately? I had 2 red screens the past month due to cheaters. I play diamond lobbies and there has been times my team try to push or rotate and their whole other team is there standing by. They also time all their utilities perfectly. We'd wait for the K0 util... he doesn't throw it after a minute or 2. We slow walk up and we get hit by flashes, k0 util, and a raze nade all at once. Tried 3 man push with 2 flank, default, pretty much everything you can think of and they counter our bomb site pushes perfectly every round without fail. Same match, I told a teammate with the bomb to stay in our spawn towards the other bombsite while 4 of us hard push the opposite site. We pushed and for the first time there's not a single soul on our hard push and the other team 5 man push our guy with the bomb hiding in a corner by our spawn. Everybody on my team thought it was suspicious. That was my last match. I'm just wondering if anyone is having similar experiences because I have been very frustrated when these games happen (once a week or 2). I would feel better if other people can confirm my suspicions. I know some of you will say git gud but literally the match before I drop 30 kills, get mvp. Next game (my last game) I get prefired or reduced to "one/two shot" by their utilities and finish team mvp with only 8 kills and get hard stuck on D2. How can I even stand a chance. Obviously most of my matches don't have that experience.
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