Weird thing happened in an unrated match

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 6, 2020 2:26 AM

I decided to play an unrated before doing some comp, everything seemed normal loading in and selecting agents. Once we loaded in one of my team members started talking - immediately knew something was off as the agent icon and their name didn't show up. I tried talking as well and the whole team was saying the same thing was happening to them - didn't happen to the enemy team strangely.

Halfway through the first half we then realized that our mics were actually locked on although our settings were for push to talk making things even weirder.

The funniest part is we were still able to talk to each other after the match was over even though we weren't partied - closed my game after that.

tl;dr my team's voice chat agent icons + player names didn't show up and mics were locked on for entire match and in lobby after match while not partied



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