Posted by Steve
Sunday, July 18, 2021 6:02 PM
So today I queued up in unranked like every other day and this guy we matched with just sent chills down my spine without doing anything wrong whatsoever. It was honestly an experience that has sent full red signals to my body and it was so unreal Im not even sure how to explain it.
His way of speech was so weird. it was really slow while his voice was a perfect mix of awkwardness and low social skills that it could have been straight from a thriller. I asked my teammates in a foreign language if they thought he was creepy so that he wouldn't understand, and to not call his voice creepy as to not offend him or make him feel bad coz quite frankly I dont know him and I could be misinterpreting things.
BUT THE THING IS, THEY FUCKING AGREED. They said he was acting creepy too and that I wasnt imagining things, so I wanted to know if anyone else had a similiar experience.
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