what the fuck is up with Valorant players and healer type agents?

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 2, 2022 1:43 PM

New to the game and I've been playing Skye for a while. Usually no one treats me like I'm only there to heal them ( and not even when I played Sage a lot). I actually try to heal as much as I can and give support.

Then I tried to play ranked. First games are going well and I went off on my own a lot to peak enemies from behind. I'm doing well and no one says shit.

Then I play the last placement game and immediately someone is on me for trying to rotate from behind alone. Apparently I'm a healer and I should always be there to heal. I have ONE healing ability but no I'm apparently just there for healing. Again maybe I'm wrong because I'm a noob but I've literally never had anyone pull this shit before.

Ironically I almost never used my heal in this game compared to all the other games where no one hounded me for healing and I'd heal them all the time.

Then I get getting hounded and being told I'm not that good. I'm not going off to another site on my own. I'm just entering the SAME SITE from a different area. I lose my focus and my preformance drops which prompts more shit.

What the fuck is this? Is this a ranked thing? This is the first time I got this shit since l I started playing. Do people act like assholes in ranked more?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x3eftl/what_the_fuck_is_up_with_valorant_players_and/
  • https://reddit.com/x3eftl

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