Posted by Steve
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 12:02 AM

Warning: This is going to be a longer post. No TLDR.
First of all here is proof:
Obviously you can tell by my stats that i'm by far not the best aimer, that why i thought this post could be helpful for people that aren't familiar with shooters or even never played any shooters before Valorant.
In Valorant you have 3 skills that are really important: Aim, Game Knowledge and Communication.They are all important, that's why even if you have bad aim you can carry with game knowledge and communication. What do i mean by that?
1: Be Proactive!
Especially in SoloQ a lot of games are lost because teams just run around like headless chicken without any clue what to do. That's why if you notice that your team is not communicating that maybe you should take the lead by calling Strategies like: "Brimstone smoke heaven and short, Reyna throw your flash and jett dash into site" or "Killjoy set up on B, Sage wall mid, Sova drone A long"
This makes your teammates play together and have a common plan, even if you don't come up with the most optimal strategy it's better if everyone follows a suboptimal plan than if everyone does their own thing not achieving anything.
2: Learn to be a Babysitter.
I know that sounds ridiculous, but sometimes you get teams where you have 4 kids that only argue about what happened last round and lose focus. Try to calmly tell your teammates to chill and try to focus on what is going on now. It doesn't always work and that's okay, if you notice that you can't get your team to communicate properly just mute the ones that cause the trouble and focus on working with the people that try to teamplay.
I know you've heard this a billion times, but i'm going to say it anyway. Try to not tilt, try to reset your mental at the beginning of every round. If for example you had a bad round and missed some important shots or your teammate didn't win a round winning 1v1, that's ok we are all humans mistakes or even bad games happen.
If you can feel that you are getting angry try to not unleash that anger in voice chat, it doesn't lead to anything. Maybe lean back in your chair and take a couple deep breaths.
4: Make important and simple to understand Calls.
If you saw somebody, heard somebody or critically damaged CALL IT. If you rotate and leave something uncovered CALL IT, this one is especially important because a lot of arguments come from situations like: "What the F***! How did the Jett push short, did nobody cover it?!!". If you rotate somewhere just quickly tell your team something like: "I'm gonna rotate to B, Short will not be covered!".
On the other hand, if you hit someone with a classic in the leg that's not really important, just call out the position of the enemy. The 20 damage you did might make a difference but if because you talk to long about how you hit people for 20 damage it might make more important call outs from your team inaudible.
5: Learn the map layouts/geometry.
This helps to let you know where you have to aim. Even if you have bad general aim, if you know where enemies are more likely to be you have the advantage, because you can place your crosshair where people are.
Especially if you are new to the game, just open up a custom game alone and run around the maps so you get a feel of how the layouts work.
6: Learn what exactly every Agent does.
By this i do not mean: Jett can dash, Brim can smoke, Sage can heal.
Just go a Valorant wiki, like for example
There you can see the exact variables for all the abilities, like Jett smoke lasts 4.5 seconds while Brimstones smoke last 19.25 seconds, or when enemies get detained by Killjoy ults they have slowed movement and can't shot or use abilities for 8 seconds.
While this sounds like something that is more important for new players, i see countless players in dia+ that simply do not know how certain abilities exactly work.
That's all i have, thanks for taking your time reading this. If you have anything to add you can gladly comment, i'm open for any civil discussion.
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