What the point of Reporting when the only way the report system actually works is when someone uses slurs?

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 24, 2021 1:28 PM

Title says it. I have a Kayo Dropping 6-24... Playing in a Diamon ELO. With some BIG ass cross hair that you can't see past, Blows into his mic like its some Nintendo 64 game. Throws RANDOM ass flashes and gets him teamates caught in mollies almost every round. Buys a gun but drops it on the ground or won't buy period.

But when you see him move he is Bhopping. Crosshair placement is solid. He is a GOOD player. but for some reason just doesn't give a shit about this game... It's pretty clear that he just is trolling

YET. I know the report system doesn't do a damn thing. Unless he is using slurs and racism or whatever the system catches. He won't be caught... Kinda fucking annoying.

Be nice to report a player for sabotage and have someone legit look and punish him for it. but a perfect world I guess.

Real frustrating when you have a winnable game and you can throw without any repercussions


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ptocm3/what_the_point_of_reporting_when_the_only_way_the/
  • https://reddit.com/ptocm3

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