What’s up with competitive match making?

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 16, 2021 7:00 PM

I’ve played 7 compe today (Lost 6, Draw 1). I am bronze 3 (now bronze 2).

Here is what happened:

-1st Match: I was placed with a team that was iron and the other team had all bronze players.

-2nd Match: Got placed in gold and silver 3 lobby and was the only bronze player out of both the teams.

-3rd Match: Was annihilated by...2 IRON players like wtf...One had 42 kills and the other had 37 at the end of the game. Probably smurfing.

-4th match: The same as 2nd but had a draw.

-5th match: Had a team with absolutely new players, they didn’t know anything, crosshair placement or pre aim. The other team again had all 3 silvers and 2 bronze, and I had 3 irons and 2 bronze.

-6th match: Again same as 5th but the other team was 2 silvers 3 bronze, and I had 2 fellas (again) who were trying their best (they were irons).

-7th Match: you get the picture, Teams were not balanced.

I don’t want to “cry”, After losing 6 matches I am already over that phase. And was doubting maybe “I” am the one that sucks. So, I opened my match career and my performance wasn’t bad. So, I was like, “What if it IS MM?”

I never had these issues in CSGO, but with Valorant it happens like all the time. Teams are never balanced. Either some smurfers will join (which I don’t blame the VAL for) or I will be given team mates who are new i.e. Game sense=0 and not even wearing headphones.

Is this a bug? I understand if it happens once or twice, but it happens almost everyday now. Never had this problem in CS. Any suggestions? because I just want to have a good time but damn it tbh...


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/okzt5w/whats_up_with_competitive_match_making/
  • https://reddit.com/okzt5w

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