What's with the "hard stuck" idea?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 14, 2020 12:02 AM

I mean, if you're stuck in a rank, isn't it because you achieved the rank you're supposed to be? Sure everyone wants to get better and go up, but not everyone is going to achieve Radiant. Or Immortal. Or Diamond. Even Plat. In any case, I don't see how you can be "stuck in Bronze". You're not stuck, you're a bronze player.

And yes, there are some smurfs that will fuck you up and make you de-rank even more or carry you up. Maybe you're supposed to be silver if it weren't for people doing smurf accounts. Or gold. But on average, taking everything in consideration, you're a bronze player. You're not stuck. You can improve and become a gold player. But improvement comes first, dedication and learning comes first, something needs to change so you can go up. You're not stuck, you're just not playing as gold.

And sometimes, that change may be impossible. Perhaps it's the fact that you're over 25 and your reflexes aren't the same as when you were a teen playing CS? Or you work full time and have stuff to do, so you can't lose your time gaining muscle memory? Sure everyone wants to improve, but that might take more than you can offer. And that's okay.

In any case, I don't understand the "hardstuck" idea. Just have fun with the game and achieve the best you can. It's not going in your curriculum. And that 2/15 players in your team is not the reason. Nor the 45/8 in the other team.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jswd86/whats_with_the_hard_stuck_idea/
  • https://reddit.com/jswd86

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