What’s a lesson you have learned in the game that you wish you had been told as a newbie?

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 22, 2022 10:50 PM

My friend just introduced me to this game, and while I am a big console-gamer, this is technically my first PC gaming experience. I played once a few months ago, but took today to really try and commit and see how it goes. I’m proud (ha haaa) to share that I got to level 6 today in one sitting, and my best game resulted in 10 kills, 9 deaths, and 6 assists. As someone who’s never really committed to a FPS or PC game, I felt over the moon with that score for my first real go at it!

I started with Sage, attempted Fade, then panicked and happily returned to Sage. I know most of my skills will come with practice, but is there any advice you’d give a new player that you think could be useful?

{For more specific areas I need coaching in…some of the biggest weak points I’m noticing in my play so far are:

  1. When I’m hit, I don’t know what to do. I panic and just take all damage until I’m out. This is especially bad when running from one cover to the next.

  2. I’m seriously struggling to identify where players are. This is what drew me to try Fade out, but I’ll confess that at this moment, her learning curve is a bit too steep for me. I know that more skill overall will come with map familiarity and practice in general, but a lot of my kills come from turning a corner and instantly getting taken out in one shot…I’m sure there’s a better tactic at stealth and awareness I can be taking here, so I’d love any advice I can get.}

Again, it’s literally my first day and I know a lot of this has to come from practiced, hands-on learning, but if you have any tips/tricks/advice for me to take into my next match, I’d love to hear it! Thanks <3


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wun2ww/whats_a_lesson_you_have_learned_in_the_game_that/
  • https://reddit.com/wun2ww

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