Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 11:04 AM
For the last year now the sentinel role has been broken, Chamber outshines every other sentinel, Astra and Viper do a sentinel like Killjoy's job better then she does, Cypher is nonexistent in compettive play and sage is only good on 1-2 map's. All of Chambers nerfs have been negligible, none of the other Sentinels have been touched in months, and Initiators are too strong in general (KAY/O, Fade, Sova) causing the Sentinel's to be less effective even if Chamber wasnt as strong, and Raze being meta on multiple maps makes then even worse. And Split being Cypher and Killjoy and Sage's best map means that there is not a enviroment where they are at all meta or worthwhile playing unless you are a 1 trick and know all of the ins and outs of the agent, no one is going to say "hm, I need to fill a Sentinel, maybe Killjoy or Cypher?" no everyone would play Chamber, as he is easier and more effective in all ranks. You know its bad when i get told that Killjoy is a throw pick in Ascendant/Immortal lobbies. Please, can we actually meaningfully nerf Chamber and give some of the other Sentinels some love?
Who is your favorite Sentinel, maybe im speaking into the void and more people play other Sentinels then I thought?
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