Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 19, 2022 10:50 AM
I mean 2 of the 3 reasons devs listed for removing split were feedback from "esports players" and "professional organizations" Just have 7 map pool in esports tournaments and 8 map pool in rankdd just for 1 simple reason: 99.9% of all players DONT participate in esports tournaments and changes based on esports organizations' feedback to esports tournaments should NOT affect them. Even if you count people who watch esports thats still a vast minority. (Which shouldn't be counted beacuse i mean if you dont see split while watching a tourney are you really gonna go man split shouldnt be in the game aswell) If you support the 7 map pool beacuse new players cant get used to 8 or more: Theres a lvl20 requirement (around 50 wins to get to, most likely more) for competitive. I didnt see anyone complaining when we had 5-6 maps and the requirement to unlock competitive was just 10 wins...
Come on man, just bring back split...
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