Why is the DM gamemode still so terrible?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 12, 2020 12:17 PM

I feel like the devs really missed the mark on this one. The way the gamemode is setup completely discourages practice and encourages playing to "win" deathmatch, which just ruins the experience for everyone who is trying to practice. I think a great start would be to have DM servers constantly running with a drop-in drop-out model as opposed to a race to 40 frags. This would encourage people to actually practice taking equal or even disadvantageous fights, which is what wins ranked games, as opposed to rotating spawns and shooting people in the back of the head. Every other competitive game I boot up has a good warmup mode, which allows me to focus in on specific skills before I play, but the DM mode here feels like 90% a waste of time.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/js6u91/why_is_the_dm_gamemode_still_so_terrible/
  • https://reddit.com/js6u91

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