Why doesn’t riot add the „accept” button before match, like in league?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 6:45 PM

Seriously, this game is over 1,5 years old (counting beta) and they still haven’t implemented it. I hate those multiple situations that my friends haven’t realized that I’m AFK and they just start queueing, so I get penalty for not choosing agent.

Edit: Some people in comments think that my reason for posting this here is just not good and why do all these people that upvoted agree with me. Well, another good reason for adding this would be the decrease of those people that are just AFK when the match starts and you wait the whole agent select just to get back into queue. It’s annoying, i’ve had that multiple times too. Is that reason a bit better to you?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qaigp8/why_doesnt_riot_add_the_accept_button_before/
  • https://reddit.com/qaigp8

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