Why does it feel like enemies are just inhumanly fast?

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 21, 2022 9:24 PM

Why does it feel like enemies are just inhumanly fast?

When I walk around and peek on my screen, the movement speed feels pretty slow. I'm always scared to wide swing because it feels like the enemy has like 3 solid seconds of me running across their screen to react.

However when I get swung on by enemies they run out so fucking fast.

Same for strafe shooting. When enemies do it they move left and right at impossibly fast speeds like they're fucking One Punch Man

Are players just way faster on other players screens than they are on their own screens? Is this part of the netcode/peeker's advantage? Is this something that can be "fixed" or it's just an unavoidable part of a tac shooter?

EDIT: Someone mentioned this in the comments and I would like an explanation for this one too. Sometimes when enemies shoot it feels like their fire rate is just faster. I get instagibbed like I was one tapped but it was actually all body shots except they all happened at once. I presume this is a netcode thing

EDIT 2: I'm not trying to make excuses or anything. I've played my fair share of CS, Dota, League, Overwatch, Tekken etc. but Valorant is the first game that makes me question my own sanity to degree. I've never felt this constantly cheated by a video game before and I just wanna find out what's going on because I honestly feel like I'm losing my fucking mind


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sxb2vy/why_does_it_feel_like_enemies_are_just_inhumanly/
  • https://reddit.com/sxb2vy

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