Why the fuck is everyone in bronze cracked?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:02 AM

I've been hardstuck bronze for like half a year now, and I know I'm nowhere near the best player, but for christs sake why is everyone so good at aiming? I peek a corner for a millisecond and someone blows my head off with a sheriff. Like holy shit, why are you in bronze? I understand if I miss every shot and someone kills me, but why are bronze players pulling tenz flicks on me? It's not even just the enemy team, I've seen people on my own team going full Rambo on 1v3 retakes. Am I just the only person on the planet who can't aim?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nk367s/why_the_fuck_is_everyone_in_bronze_cracked/
  • https://reddit.com/nk367s

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