Why does a higher proportion of Valorant players gravitate towards trolls on the enemy team? You can bet on more than half of the enemy team thinking the troller is "cool" and "chill".

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 7, 2023 1:00 AM

Asc and Dia duo in my silver lobby are trolling chasing each other around from round 1 with their knives out and the enemy team actually joins in and refuses to report them and says they will report the other players who are not trolling for comms abuse and afk.

Only 2 games earlier, another person claiming to be a Plat smurf is setting their dpi as high as possible and dashing into the enemy team and trying to one tap while spinning. By the 5th round, the enemy team is joining in with the troll and sitting in a circle. They refuse to kill the troll even if he's the last player until time runs out for 27+ rounds before I decide to afk.

The game before that, a troll claiming to be Immo is only going for knife kills, and the enemy team saves killing the troll for last to have knife fights. Most of the enemy team says they will report the non trolls for comms abuse and afk.

This all happened in one night.

I don't understand how such a high amount of players will gravitate towards torturing and punishing people who didn't do anything wrong and siding with the bully. Can't imagine it's a Valorant player's thing, but I don't see this happening in other PGC games including tactical shooters, MOBA's, and BR's.

I'm under the assumption the end game for Riot is to milk the smurfs and bots in the same way they do League. In League they will ban obvious bot accounts "in waves", giving the bot account market, where only smurfs will buy, breathing room while still "doing something." This allows them to inflate the active playerbase count in quarterly investor reports and doesnt stop the smurf revenue stream.

WP Riot, baited me with the "smurfing is markedly down across the board" memo. This player base will continue to grow smaller and smaller if bronze and silver lobbies are the stomping grounds for higher skill players. They can put out as much PR as they want stating smurfing is down, but if the high skill smurfs just troll and dont rank up at all, it's actually worse and feels more powerless than going up against a high skill smurf.

inb4 the people I'm talking about trolling here too


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/104igui/why_does_a_higher_proportion_of_valorant_players/
  • https://reddit.com/104igui

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