Why do I have 70% win rate but I lose more RR than I gain

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 22, 2022 11:33 PM

Genuine question, why do I lose more RR than I gain when I have a 70% win rate this act (E5:A3) and 58% win rate last act (E5:A2)? Right now it's about even, but right before the new Act, I was consistently losing 20+ and gaining 13-18

I thought maybe it was because I went on a big loss streak in Act 1 (with 42% win rate), but it has far less games than Act 2, and my RR gain/loss hasn't budged, even in the new Act.

Screenshots of this Episode:

Act 3

Act 2

Act 3

Screenshots of RR gain/loss


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yaioh8/why_do_i_have_70_win_rate_but_i_lose_more_rr_than/
  • https://reddit.com/yaioh8

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