Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 12:02 PM
I use Valorant DM as practice for competitive. As many here have recommended, I start rounds with the Sheriff/Ghost to practice with headshots, then practice using the Phantom/Vandal at longer ranges, and generally take on as many fights as possible to get practice wide-swinging and checking corners (since that can simulate the fast reflexes needed for entrying onto sites). I'm not that concerned with how "well" I do in the DM, since I know it's for training purposes.
That said, I've been getting absolutely destroyed by players in my lobbies. I know my aim isn't perfect and my reflexes may not be god-tier, but what gives? I feel like I'm playing against Radiant-level players every game, getting one-tapped instantly as soon as I cross a corner and losing like every close-range aim duel. Am I just bad? Is there a skill-based MM thing going on? Or is there some secret to playing DM that I don't understand (e.g. everyone is just camping angles, prefiring certain spots, etc.)? It's not that I'm frustrated, it's more that I want to learn what I could be doing better. I didn't play CS before this, so sometimes I can't tell if these DM players are owning me in ways that would actually carry over to competitive.
I'm a Plat I, fwiw, and I don't topfrag consistently at my rank.
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