Posted by Steve
Saturday, August 27, 2022 7:00 AM
So, a long while ago I feel like I made some good progress. I was finally learning how to not panic when I saw multiple enemies. I was able to one tap multiple enemies close to each other than than panic spraying with a ghost (LOL). And in general my aim was just really good and felt clean. It felt like I just filled up my whole tetris screen or like the dvd logo finally hit the corner. Everything felt so satisfying and smooth for once.
This happened for roughly a week or so.
And then all of a sudden I started doing shit. Worse than my usual. It’s like I’m on a bad game streak. If it was possible to lose Pac-Man the second you loaded in then I would lose every game.
I don’t know how or why, but I am.
I took a week break. Got back on and it feels the same.
Only just now my last game did I feel my performance was not shit, but still questionable as fuck.
In this particular game what carried my performance was just playing back more and off my utility. I purposely picked an agent that allowed me to do that. (Viper) So I could smoke for team, get plant, then not peek and do lineups. Basically play like a pussy using my smokes, ult, etc. to tick them down in health and not necessarily try and kill, but with viper I feel it’s easier to get kills from only doing little pokes.
I’m usually not the type to take time and sit in practice range or aimlabs or whatever. I’ve found it more fun just cruising and slowly improving since rank isn’t that big of a deal for me and honestly the way I’ve been going I felt a lot of fun.
But now that I’ve been consistently doing bad for the past couple weeks I’m not sure anymore. I feel like that “magic” of the dvd logo hitting the corner is gone. Like it’s been reset and I’ll have to wait another 100 times before it hits again.
Why has this happened and how do I break out of it?
I feel like if I let myself get too frustrated it’ll make it worse, so I just get off after a few games.
Though that’s always been a personally rule of mine. Good or bad I take a quick break after three whether it be a drink, standing up, whatever.
But now with this bad game streak I get off for some hours or whenever I feel like playing.
It’s one thing when I have a bad game here and there. Bad performance in general doesn’t bother me, but it’s that I’m consistently doing bad and I feel like my aim has gone MIA.
I’m trying to take things slow and refocus on basics, but I don’t know.
Any tips or reason or suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: extra info
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