Why am I stuck silver?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 5:05 AM

Ive been stuck silver since september, I went trough silver 1 very fast but then a road block in silver 2 where my team would not talk no info they would play like iron peopld every single time after I got a team I got to silver 3 but then they left the game and once again I was alone , I went up to 87/100rr almost gold then I lost almost everything because every player was either high gold low plat or just a smurf trying ti get his friend into a good rank so they can continue together , I always play with the team top frag try and keep up the vibe but they always either start trolling or dont give info at all, what should I do?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/z70dwb/why_am_i_stuck_silver/
  • https://reddit.com/z70dwb

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