Why am I so worn out and washed?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:00 PM

I don't understand why, but recently I've been feeling sloppy in Valorant. I started playing Valorant as my first FPS game around December, and last week I hit Gold after going on a 15+ game winstreak and overall just performing well (not much but it's a big achievement for me). However, since then, I've had multiple losing streaks that brought me down all the way back to Silver 1. A week ago, I was able to consistently topfrag in Gold 1 - Gold 2 lobbies, but now I can't even get a positive kill-death ratio in Bronze 3 - Silver 1 lobbies. In deathmatches, I feel like my aim is fine and good, but as soon as I queue into a ranked game I just lose every fight I get into. As I previously mentioned, I perform poorly in Bronze-Silver lobbies when just a week ago I performed well in Gold lobbies. I've been told that taking a break for a day or two will help, but I still want to play the game. How am I supposed to grind my way back up the ranks and have fun if I just feel like I'm playing at like 5% of how I used to?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tx0cty/why_am_i_so_worn_out_and_washed/
  • https://reddit.com/tx0cty

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