Why the Icebox hate?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 12, 2020 12:45 PM

Why is there such hatred for Icebox among many?

While I can’t tell u to “Get good” or “learn to think” I can tell you just why I LOVE the map.

It encourages thinking, to hell with specific spots that everyone and their mother knows. Welcome the diversity, you finally have the chance to really find your own strats. Study, learn, adapt and overcome. Try an angle and if it’s shit, now you know! You get the chance to learn from your own mistakes, not what some guy on YouTube says! Go into custom mode! Look, where can I stand, where will I see them? Where will they see me? What if I throw a nade here or place a trap over there? It’s truly unique and different from the other maps and different isn’t allways bad!

Despite, how can u hate on it without giving it a true chance. For the people who do like it, for the people at riot putting time into this, Atleast For. Your. Own. Improvement.

Also sorry for possible grammar or spelling errors


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jsaotk/why_the_icebox_hate/
  • https://reddit.com/jsaotk

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